Protests after fatal shooting at Kurdish community center in France

 Following the devastating attack on the city's Kurdish minority on Friday, there has been a second day of violent turmoil in Paris.
Protests after fatal shooting at Kurdish community center in France

The protesters who assembled on Saturday turned over automobiles, some of which they lit ablaze, and threw items at the police. Tear gas was used in response by the police.

The incident on Friday, which happened at a restaurant and a for Kurdish culture, claimed the lives of three individuals.
The suspect, who apparently identified as a racist, has been sent to a mental health facility.
After a Saturday checkup, the 69-year-old was released from detention due to health concerns, according to the prosecution. He hasn't yet appeared in court.

According to a police source who spoke to the AFP news agency earlier, the suspect declared his hatred of immigrants after the shootings.The same source claimed the shooter used a "much-used" handgun to carry out his attack and was discovered with "two or three" filled magazines and a package containing at least 25 cartridges.
According to witnesses, the tall, white, and elderly assailant killed three people in the city's 10th district: two men and a woman.
One of the three other injured people still has a serious state.
Before the shooter was taken into custody without a struggle, three locations — the Ahmet-Kaya Kurdish center, a neighboring restaurant, and a hair salon — came under fire.The suspect, a former train driver, was taken into custody on suspicion of murder and an attempted murder; he was later charged with acting with a racial intent.

He has a history of weapons offenses, and it has come to light that he was granted bail only a few days before to the attack.

In the French capital's other migrant camp, he was accused of using a sword racially last year.

Shortly after Friday's shootings, unrest erupted. People were seen breaking car windows and setting fires in the streets on video footage.

When demonstrators tried to breach a security perimeter, police deployed tear gas to disperse them.After hundreds of Kurds quietly gathered in the Place de la République to honor the three deaths, Saturday's fresh violence broke out. The cause of the fights was unclear.

Police said that 11 people had been arrested and that 31 policemen and one protester had been hurt.
Kurds have demanded stronger security from French authorities in the wake of the shootings. On Saturday, local officials met with the head of the Parisian police.

The incident on Friday occurred nearly ten years after the unsolved murder of three Kurdish women activists in the French capital.
After being "traumatized" by the killings in January 2013, a lawyer for the Kurdish Democratic Council in France claimed that the community was once again "afraid" (CDK-F).

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