Watch: Man tries to block incoming train, gets slapped by train driver

 Train driving is a challenging profession. It might not be as intellectually taxing as it is physically.

Man tries to block incoming train, gets slapped by train driver

After all, it is the loco driver's responsibility to ensure the safety of all passengers, train personnel, and anybody crossing the tracks. As a result, many train drivers, or loco pilots as they are often known, are prone to mood swings that are brought on by both the stress of their jobs and the continual honking of horns throughout their up to 12-hour shifts.

Many drivers lose their composure when someone attempts to make their job worse by unnecessarily blocking a rushing train in the midst of all this work-related tension.Now, a video of a guy attempting to stop an unidentified train has appeared online. 
He may be seen in the video standing on the rails, obstructing an approaching train. The man, who looks to be intoxicated, can be seen waving at the approaching train. He sends the train driver flying kisses as it gets closer in an effort to halt it. 
The loco driver honks his horn, and the man moves off the track. The man has already prevented the train from moving forward, therefore it must stop where it is. 
The trainee pilot jumps off the train when it has stopped, pursues the man, and assaults him.
The reporter who is documenting the situation gives his final word towards the end of the film.

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