Terrifying scene of highway rampage in Perth caught on video

 Four charges of criminal damage have been brought against a man who reportedly battered cars with a metal pole as they passed him on a major Perth crossroads.

The terrifying Christmas Eve rampage was captured on camera as motorists sped through red lights and jumped the middle strip to evade the suspected attacker, 40-year-old Ross Cameron Males of Scarborough.

The incident was seen on camera by a couple as they passed the crossroads of Scarborough Beach Road and the West Coast Highway in Scarborough. The guy is said... to have raised his arms and gestured at passing vehicles before striking a grey SUV with a pole, which caused a loud "bang" sound.According to a witness who spoke with Nine News, he and his children watched the suspected attacker break up to nine windows at the crossroads.

They felt a little frightened. Our five-year-old told us that he was on the verge of tears.

According to WA Police, they detained a 40-year-old guy in an adjacent apartment complex and accused him of four charges of criminal damage.

On Monday, Mr. Males appeared in Northbridge Magistrates' Court and was granted bail.

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