After police arrest Black Lives Matter founder's cousin died

 A cousin of the People of color Matter fellow benefactor Patrisse Cullors kicked the bucket hours after he was more than once tasered and controlled in the road by Los Angeles police.
Black Lives Matter founder's cousin died

Keenan Anderson, 31, an educator and father, passed on a medical clinic in St Nick Monica.
Los Angeles Police Division (LAPD) have delivered body camera film of the 3 January experience.
It shows Mr Anderson asking for help as officials hold him down.
The police who tasered Mr Anderson were called to a car crash in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles at around 15:00 nearby time.
Police boss Michel Moore told a news gathering on Wednesday that Mr Anderson had carried out a lawful offense quick in and out in a car accident.
He said Mr Anderson had endeavored to run away from the area by attempting to "get into someone else's vehicle without their consent".
Film shows Mr Anderson in trouble when police show up, telling the main official "someone is attempting to kill me", albeit no apparent danger shows up on camera.
At first, Mr Anderson plunks down as coordinated however as more police show up he gets up and runs into the road while overlooking solicitations for him to stop.
At the point when police arrive at Mr Anderson and endeavor to confine him, he is at first consistent prior to yelling: "Please" and "help" and "they're attempting to George Floyd me!" - a reference to the May 2020 homicide of a person of color in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by a cop.
The immobilizer was at first involved on Mr Anderson for around 30 seconds after an official cautioned him on different occasions to "quit [resisting arrest] or I'm going to tase you". Different officials were holding him down. He was then tasered again for about five additional seconds.
An emergency vehicle showed up around five minutes after he was tasered, police said, and carried Mr Anderson to a nearby medical clinic. He passed on around four-and-a-half hours after the fact in the wake of going into heart failure, as per police.
A toxicology report created by the LAPD showed that Mr Anderson's blood tried positive for weed and cocaine. The Los Angeles District coroner's office will lead a different report.
The recording adds to the strain on the LAPD, whose experiences with dark and brown men have brought about three passings in less than seven days.
Takar Smith, 45, and Oscar Sanchez, 35, were both shot dead by officials toward the beginning of January.
Los Angeles City chairman Karen Bass referred to the episodes as "profoundly upsetting". The police division said it was researching the three men's demises.
Mr Anderson lived in the Washington DC region and was visiting Los Angeles. His passing has restored calls from activists for police change, some of whom accept weapon conveying police ought not be sent to car crashes.
Patrisse Cullors, People of color Matter fellow benefactor and Mr Anderson's cousin, told the Gatekeeper: "My cousin was requesting help, and he didn't get it.
"My cousin was terrified for his life. He went through the most recent 10 years seeing a development testing the killing of individuals of color.
"He realized what was in question and he was attempting to safeguard himself. No one was able to safeguard him."
Ms Cullors and others are requiring the LAPD police boss to leave.
Mr Moore said he had facilitated the arrival of the video film of Mr Anderson because of public interest. He said it regularly requires 45 days.

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