A special counsel will investigate Biden's handling of secret documents.

 US Head legal officer Merrick Festoon has named an extraordinary direction to test President Joe Biden's treatment of grouped records.

Robert Hur, a previous senior equity division official during the Trump administration, will lead the examination.
Ordered documents were as of late found in Mr. Biden's home and at an office he was involved in after his term as VP.
The White House said Mr. Biden will completely help out with the examination.
The revelation of the records has been known as... a political humiliation for Mr. Biden, as it comes during a continuous examination concerning previous President Donald Trump's own claimed misusing of ordered documents.
The primary group of documents was found on 2 November at the Penn Biden Center, a research organization sent off by Mr. Biden in Washington DC. They were then given over to the US Public Documents, Mr. Biden had said.
Mr. Festoon said a second clump of records was situated on 20 December at Mr. Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware. He included that Thursday morning, Mr. Biden's legal advisors called examiners to tell them of an extra record, likewise found at the president's confidential home.
After an underlying test by US Lawyer John Lausch, Mr Wreath said his office concluded that unique guidance was expected to examine Mr. Biden's treatment of the records due to the "remarkable conditions" of the matter.
"This arrangement highlights for the public the office's obligation to both freedom and responsibility in especially delicate issues, and to settling on choices undisputedly directed simply by current realities and the law," Mr Festoon said.
In an explanation, Mr Hur said he will examine the issue "with fair, unbiased and impartial judgment".
White House attorney Richard Sauber said Mr Biden has participated completely with the Division of Equity's audit, and will keep on doing as such with the extraordinary guidance's test.
"We are sure that a careful survey will show that these records were coincidentally lost, and the President and his legal counselors acted expeditiously upon revelation of this mix-up," he said.
Sources acquainted with the case who talked with CBS, the BBC's US accomplice, said the equity division audit included interviews with numerous observers who might know about how the grouped reports were taken care of.
Addressing columnists on Thursday morning, Mr Biden said that his legal advisors promptly told authorities when the primary group of documents were found in November.
Mr Biden added the extra reports found were secured in a carport close to his 1960s Chevrolet Corvette sports vehicle, "not hanging out in the street"."People realize I treat characterized material in a serious way," he said.
Mr Biden said his attorneys explored different spots where archives were put away from his experience as VP, somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2017, after the principal documents were found, and that audit was finished on Wednesday night.
"The attorneys sorted out for the Division of Equity to claim the records," he said.
Mr Sauber said in a proclamation that the extra hunt uncovered "among individual and political papers few extra Obama-Biden Organization records with ordered markings".
Everything except one of the reports were found in an extra room inside the carport of Mr Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home, he said.
"One record comprising of one page was found among put away materials in a contiguous room," Mr Sauber added. Legal counselors likewise looked through Mr Biden's Rehoboth Ocean side home, yet found no extra files.The first bunch of records were found in a capacity wardrobe at the College of Pennsylvania's Biden Community for Discretion and Worldwide Commitment by Mr Biden's own legal counselors as they were moving out of the space. They apparently included insight data about Ukraine, Iran and the UK.
Mr Biden is currently confronting inquiries concerning whether the newfound documents hold touchy data that might have endangered matters of US public safety.
Conservative Speaker of the US Place of Delegates Kevin McCarthy likewise raised worries about the planning of the revelation being disclosed.
"They realized this had happened to President Biden before the (US midterm) political race, yet they stayed quiet about it from the American public," Mr McCarthy said.
Mr Trump is right now being scrutinized by the equity office after in excess of 325 ordered documents - incorporating some set apart with Mystery and Highly classified assignments - were found over last year at his Blemish a-Lago domain in Florida.
Specialists said they are taking a gander at whether Mr Trump disregarded bureaucratic regulation by impeding the report recuperation process or obliterating government materials. The previous president has denied any bad behavior.

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